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Tertiary Program

Our Tertiary Program assists students at university and TAFE who are facing financial barriers to their studies. Students may be from families who have limited capacity to help with the costs associated with their studies or may not have any family support system. Some students may have had to relocate to a new city or town to pursue their desired studies.

“I know that I wouldn't be where I am (or even able to write this email to you on a laptop!) without you guys…even just knowing that you believed in me enough to support me meant a great deal”.

- Nala (Agriculture student)

Program Overview

We work directly with university and TAFE students in our Tertiary Program to ensure they have the tools and resources needed to complete their chosen studies. This is provided through two key forms of assistance – regular financial support and regular check-ins.

Program Inclusions

Regular financial assistance

  • Each quarter, we provide financial assistance payments (totaling $3,600 per annum). This helps cover educational and living expenses – including textbooks, internet, accommodation, utilities transport and extra-curriculars. Payments are made directly into each student's bank account

  • $1,400 laptop voucher for students in their first year of study

  • $500 - $1,500 per year for students completing required work placements (for up to three years)

  • $500 academic bonus payment per year for students with an improved or high Weighted Average Mark, or upon successful completion of a TAFE course


Regular check-ins

Our regular check-ins occur quarterly, in line with our financial assistance payments. They provide an important sense of support and are an opportunity to reflect on progress, celebrate academic wins, address challenges and ensure our assistance continues to be beneficial. This process requires students to actively engage with us throughout the program, including regularly sending us written reflections, academic transcripts and confirmations of expenditure.

“I hope for the future that one day I will be in a position to help others, just as other individuals have helped me. I will not ever forget the generosity of this scholarship, and will attempt to emulate its ethos in my future work.”

- Gill (Doctor of Medicine)

Additional Information

Who is eligible for assistance?

To be eligible for the Tertiary Program, students must be an Australian citizen, under the age of 25, enrolled in full-time on-campus studies, and completing an undergraduate university or TAFE degree within NSW or the ACT.


Students must also meet our criteria in the following areas:

  • Financial – income and assets must be below thresholds

  • Academic attainment / history

  • Engagement – including regularly sending us written reflections, academic transcripts and confirmations of expenditure


How long does the program last?

While ever the student meets all eligibility criteria, they can remain in the program, for up to four years.


Is the program online or in person?

The entire program is online. Check-ins are conducted either through Zoom / Team meetings or via email (with written reflections). We may also speak to you by phone.


How do you ensure the privacy and safety of participants?

A Start in Life respects and is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal information. For a full copy of our Privacy Policy, please refer to

A Start in Life is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes the safety of all children and young people participating in our programs. For a full copy of our Statement of Commitment to Child Safety, please refer to "Child" or "children" refers to those under the age of 18.

How To Apply

Tertiary students apply as independents. Please email to express your interest in applying.​


If you have any questions, please contact us on or (02) 9264 3017.​


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