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Our Impact

We focus on making a difference to each student receiving our support. We are keen to ensure each student is always developing and attains their maximum scholastic potential. 


Our experience informs us that when our support is paired with a high level of engagement from both students and caregivers, it increases the benefits that flow to those students. Our support enables students to receive significant uplift in their grades, sometimes with the assistance of tutors. Other students develop their confidence and social skills, as a consequence of participating in school camps and extra-curricular activities. 


For many of the Tertiary students we support, the additional assistance has relieved them of financial stress and allowed them more time to focus on their studies. We help students to complete required practical placements and receive the necessary grades to gain employment in their chosen field. 


A Start in Life support ensures that the student's capacity to grow and develop in not limited by financial resources. 


Click through the slides below to read our student stories. Learn how A Start in Life support has made a difference in their lives, helping them achieve their goals. 

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Karen's Story

When Karen became sole carer for four children under five, she was forced to leave her job of 20 years. Finding it challenging to provide for a young family on her own, she applied for support, after learning about A Start in Life from a local community member. 


Throughout the children's schooling, A Start in Life assisted Karen's family with their educational needs. This included essential items and help for her children to pursue extra-curricular interests in rugby and music. Karen saw “their motivation and self-confidence increase, through being involved in club sports". She reported that the friendships they formed through club sports were invaluable, helping the family remain strong and connected.


“In addition to the financial support, the emotional support provided by the A Start in Life team was fabulous. They took the time to discuss with each child the areas in which they might be struggling. They then looked for solutions on how to improve and structure a plan to work towards, focusing on and encouraging their strengths”.


In 2017, with her youngest two children (twins) then in high school, Karen was able to return to part time work, building up to full time over the following three years. By the time the twins were in year 11, the family had regained financial independence and no longer required the assistance of A Start in Life.


Contact Us

To find out more about what we do, who we support or how to donate, you can contact us using this email form.


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Thanks for getting in touch!


DGR No 62593

All donations of $2 and over are eligible for a tax deduction

A Start in Life

Mailing Address
PO Box 20606

World Square NSW 2002


Office Address
Suite 702, 370 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: (02) 9264 3017

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